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Donnerstag 16. 08. 2018 - Patch 2.21
Overall Updates:


Fixed some spelling mistypes / other errors in some of the newly added tips in the loading screen.
Fixed Various visual and functional bugs related to the chat system. We would like to remind you all again that the chat system is still in development and we are still fixing stuff related to this new system.
Added a "Loading In" status in the friend server for when they are loading game data.
Fixed the vehicle camera in FPS only servers.
Fixed a bug related to the clan contesting system.
Reviving in-game in Beginner Servers is now free.

The Tuk Tuk is now spawning in all game-modes.
Fixed the physics of the Tuk Tuk. When hitting this car now it is no longer invincible and plays hit sounds when hitting.
Fixed the physics of the Humvee. When hitting this car now it is no longer invincible and plays hit sounds when hitting.
Fixed the physics of the Sherrif Dragster. When hitting this car now it is no longer invincible and plays hit sounds when hitting.
Fixed the physics of the Police Dragster. When hitting this car now it is no longer invincible and plays hit sounds when hitting.

Missions & Contracts:

A new feature / system! Missions & contracts are achievement based objectives for players to do in certain maps. Players can receive rewards for doing a mission or contract. We will explain further how everything works but before that we'd like to get back to why we have decided to add missions and contracts.

With the aim to make the game more beginner-friendly, while at the same time aim to give already playing players more things to do we have finished the first (beta) version of the missions and contracts system. Towards beginners we think that by giving them missions to do in a map they will be more forced to understand certain parts of the game better while completing a mission while also at the same time have something new to do. For older players we have added the contract system. Allow us to explain everything:


To understand how contracts work we first have to explain how missions work. Missions are map-based objectives for players to complete. By completing a mission players can receive X rewards. Missions are (usually) a one-time objective and are different and separated in each map and game-mode. This means once you finish a mission it will be considered as "finished" and not be able to be completed again. Missions are completely character based and can be started and progressed on individual characters. Please note you will only be able to have 3 missions "running" per character, per map. Progress of a mission saves so if you log out and back in you will be able to continue where you were. Since missions are character based and can be started and finished on each character individually, rewards will be given to the character you finish a mission with. This is how it looks when activating a mission:


Now, let's talk about the contracts. Contracts work exactly the same way as missions except for the fact that contracts are usually repeatable. Why? Because contracts are an actual item that you have to "sign" to start. Basically you can take a contract into any server, sign it, and the same "process" as a mission starts. Another difference is that contracts can be done in any map (unless disabled) and the actual contract item disappears when signing. This makes contracts valuable. Summed up it pretty much comes down to this: there is missions but they can be started in two different ways: some missions show in the missions tab in a map, are only do-able once or some missions can only be started by signing a contract while these are usually repeatable. Note that with contracts, when signing the item disappears so that means that if you then decline that mission that you started with the contract, you will not get the contract item back.


Just to make things extra clear we have an example here of how players can use contracts: Let's say you as a player have the "Kill Zombies Contract" 10 times in your inventory in a server. You can right-click, sign, the contract and the actual contract disappears so you have 9 of those contracts left in your inventory but you have started / signed one of them. You go ahead and finish the mission, it completes and you get your reward. Now, you can sign another of you 9-left-contracts. You start the same thing again, now have 8 contracts left and you can finish the mission again and get a reward again. Note that these contracts will be valuable and actual physical items that players will be able to trade or drop when die-ing with them in a server.

Missions / contracts are disabled in warm-up and PVP servers.

Since this system is still in beta mode we will not release any contracts for this patch yet but the whole system is in place. We will be testing with players to completely water-proof the system before fully releasing it. For now players have some very simple missions to do, just in Colorado V2 Open World and next upcoming patch we will aim to fully release the system. This means:

Release of contracts. They will probably be find-able in-game and buy-able in the in-game marketplace. We might do like a "beginner starters contracts pack" or add them in daily rewards. We'll see!
Release of more missions on all game-modes and maps. We aim to make amazing, interesting, funny and super hard missions and contracts.
For now you'll have to stick to the "beta" but we are super excited to fully release the system (after good testing) for upcoming next patch.

Item Updates:


Added a new item called a "Trophy". This is literally a winners trophy and will be used as a special reward for events, seasonal leaderboards and tournaments. You can't do anything with this item expect drop it in a server or trade it. Our goal is to create a special trophy for each event we do, for example with Christmas 2018 we have a "Christmas Seasonal Leader board" planned and all the winners will then receive the "Christmas 2018 Trophy". This item will then become very valuable since it's only ever rewarded once.
Added a new item (probably for Survival only): Heavy Armor (Shoulders). (For more info about this read the Survival section of the patch notes.)
Added a new item (probably for Survival only): Heavy Armor (Legs). (For more info about this read the Survival section of the patch notes.)
Added a new item / barricade as a new vehicle countermeasure idea. This barricade is kind of just a test and aimed for people to use / place down to block vehicles from riding them over. We are not sure yet when / how / if this item will be released so stay tuned for further updates.
Added a new media riot shield: Riot Shield Afyne.

Updated the item name of the "Light Heavy Armor" to "Heavy Armor (Body)". Since this was just the body part of the heavy armor. For more information why this name got changed can be found under the Survival section of these patch notes.
Updated the damage and damage range of the grenade. Increased damage from 120 to 140 and increased damage radius from 15 meters to 20 meters.
Increased the flash bang explosion radius.
Increased the explosive arrow explosion radius.

Skin Updates:


Added some new skins and items for the Gamescom 2018 event where the New Z staff team will be attending. We have added some character clothes, a riot shield and some skins.

Fixed the K. Style NVG Fallen Angel model. Improved the overall quality of the model and fixed some smoothing issues. Model should look much better now.
Fixed the Light Sword Curved Rainbow skin. The model is now way more optimized and the actual "fade" is more beautiful in one fade instead of a repeating pattern.

Updated the skin name of the AW Magnum Gold to AW Magnum Pyrite. All of the old "gold" skins have been renamed due to the newer gold set that came out recently.
Updated the skin name of the Desert Eagle Gold to Desert Eagle Pyrite. All of the old "gold" skins have been renamed due to the newer gold set that came out recently.
Updated the skin name of the Custom Guerilla Gold to Custom Guerilla Pyrite. All of the old "gold" skins have been renamed due to the newer gold set that came out recently.
Updated the skin name of the M107 Gold to M107 Pyrite. All of the old "gold" skins have been renamed due to the newer gold set that came out recently.
Updated the Heavy Armor Black Night skin. Overall looks better now and more like the Custom Guerilla Black Night.
Updated the store icon of the Light Sword Twin White. Also updated the recipe icon.
Updated the store icon of the OTS-SVU Fun Edition. Also updated the recipe icon.

Open World Updates:


The Stanag E-Mag is now released and spawning. Players can find this new item in-game. This magazine is very rare and can only be farmed from alien and normal super zombies.
The sniper flash hider is now released and available in Open World. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The SMG flash hider is now released and available in Open World. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The pistol flash hider is now released and available in Open World. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The sniper silencer is now released and available in Open World. This new attachment can be found at military areas, super zombies and alien super zombies. This item is rare.
The shotgun silencer is now released and available in Open World. This new attachment can be found at military areas, super zombies and alien super zombies. This item is rare.
The Tuk Tuk is now spawning.

Added a new secret spot with a Alien Super Zombie. Good luck finding him!
Fixed the missing loot, bus station and zombies at the Zeta Force Academy incl. Alien Super Zombie.
Fixed an issue with the loot and de-spawn timers. This caused some loot to not spawn.
Fixed a player spawn at the Varo Military Base where you spawn sometimes in the middle of zombies.
Fixed a player spawn at the Nato Military Base where you spawn sometimes in the middle of zombies.
Increased the loot at Barth Farm.
Increased the loot at the road block close to Crystal Lake.
Increased the loot at the road block close to Clearview.
Increased the loot at the farm close to Clearview.
Increased the loot at the road block close to Campos City.
Increased the loot at some newly placed buildings inside Campos City. Some buildings here were missing loot.

Fixed a major zombie navigation issue where zombie were walking through walls and other objects.

Lounge has been entirely reworked. Map looks overall better now in terms of quality and there is a lot of interesting new stuff. Players spend a lot of time in this map so it's important to keep this interesting. Added a lighthouse and some other scenery to make the map more interesting.
Replaced the palm trees with better / more happy looking ones.
Removed the "party" barn and replaced it with a super sick looking party villa. Are you ready to get this party started?
Added much more grass, rocks and trees to make the map look better and more realistic.
Painted the terrain with better looking textures to make the whole map look better and more realistic.
Updated the music in the "party villa" area. Music playing is just overall more improved.
Updated the minimap.

Reworked Rocky Ford based on feedback from the community. For exact changes and reasoning please read:

Survival Updates:


A part of our Survival community has started a poll regarding the addition of the Colorado V1 map in Survival. We would like to invite you all to participate in this poll and let us know what you guys think! We want to make sure the poll is as representative as possible before making any conclusions. You can vote here:

The Heavy Armor (Body), Heavy Armor (Shoulders) and Heavy Armor (Legs) are now available in Survival. Also based on feedback from the Survival community we have decided to release the Heavy Armor very carefully: The actual Heavy Armor won't directly be available but it will be craft-able. This works simple: There is now 3 parts and each of them can ONLY be found from a certain thing / place; Alien Super zombie, Random airdrops & random military loot. You need these 3 parts + 5 cloth, 1 duct tape and 10 metal to craft 1 Heavy Armor. These 3 parts are very rare, and since you can only craft the Heavy Armor with these parts the Heavy Armor itself will be even more rare.

The Heavy Armor (Body) is now released and spawning. Players can find this new item in-game.
The Heavy Armor (Legs) is now released and spawning. Players can find this new item in-game.
The Heavy Armor (Shoulders) is now released and spawning. Players can find this new item in-game.
The sniper flash hider is now released and available in Survival. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The SMG flash hider is now released and available in Survival. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The pistol flash hider is now released and available in Survival. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The sniper silencer is now released and available in Survival. This new attachment can be found at military areas, super zombies and alien super zombies. This item is rare.
The shotgun silencer is now released and available in Survival. This new attachment can be found at military areas, super zombies and alien super zombies. This item is rare.
The Tuk Tuk is now spawning.

Fixed an issue related to vehicles not spawning at all. Vehicles should spawn normally again now.
Fixed a major zombie navigation issue where zombie were walking through walls and other objects.

Battle Royale Updates:


The Stanag E-Mag is now released and available in Battle Royale. This magazine is very overpowered and can only be found in random airdrops.
The sniper flash hider is now released and available in Battle Royale. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The SMG flash hider is now released and available in Battle Royale. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The pistol flash hider is now released and available in Battle Royale. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The sniper silencer is now released and available in Battle Royale. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The shotgun silencer is now released and available in Battle Royale. This new attachment can be found at military areas.
The Tuk Tuk is now spawning.

Geschrieben von KiLL3r

Freitag 03. 08. 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Lukas7310!!!
Lieber Lukas,
wir wünschen dir alle einen lieben Geburtstag. Pass auf, dass du nicht zu alt wirst und uns weiterhin mit deinem kindlichen Charme versorgst Zwinker

Geschrieben von KiLL3r

Donnerstag 12. 07. 2018 - Patch Hype 2.19
Overall Updates:


Fixed an issue with the GC Airdrops where for some weird reason it would still sometimes drop a Killer Skinbox.
Fixed an issue related to random airdrops not appearing normally.
Fixed an issue related to the airdrops where it would not always come.
Fixed an issue where the "right peek fix" for the Tar and L85 and some other weapons wasn't working properly.
Fixed an issue related to some item id's missing descriptions in translation packs. This was also spamming in error log.
Improved the right peek animations where in third person and aiming down a sight with an assault rifle the weapon would aim down to the left and not aim towards where you are aiming. This has been improved and fixes several issues. (example:
UPDATE: Fixed "the left" peek where players could abuse this with SVD / M107's.
UPDATE: Fixed the same for some assault rifles where players could "left peek" with again.
Updated the textures of the "Item Loot Box". Now it should be more clear due texture differences what box is a random box and what box is an actual "skinbox". (Example:
Life time premium players / players who have purchased life time premium will get back their 10 load-out slots.
You can see your subscription time left again, by hovering your account subscription tag. (In the main menu)
Fixed a bug happening to people with poor internet connections that would make their characters stutter occasionally.
Fixed a bug causing invalid objects to show on the spawn protection selection menu.
Fixed a UI bug causing cosmetics to not display correctly in the home screen.
Made some improvements to the spray system.
Fixed ping limited servers where some players had issues joining them even though they had a low enough ping.
Saving the settings will no longer increase the brightness slightly.
Muting a player will also mute the chat for this player.

Fixed a physics issue related to the newly added palm trees. (Leaves parts had physics while it shouldn't)
Fixed an issue with one of the town buildings garage where we forgot a little part of overgrowth. (example:
Fixed a texture / model issue with the clan contest points. Improved look overall.
Fixed some material settings of some airport props in the new Oregon map.
Optimized one of the huge apartment buildings. (had 60.000 faces) and now has 45.000 faces. Also added LODs AND for the third LOD version, which is the one furthers away before the model unloads we have tried a new process. (Example:
Optimized the new airport terminal building which is used in the new Oregon map. This model is now 5-6 times more optimized than before without changing any of the overall look of the building.
Optimized one of the huge skyscraper buildings. (Used in for example "Rio" in the new Oregon map). Also added LODs.
Fixed an issue with the cali gas station building where there was some faces missing in the model.
Fixed a physics related to one of the trees used in Rio in the Oregon map. The leaves had physics, and now only the tree branches have physics.
Fixed a texture and physics issue with one of the Caliwood highway objects. (Example:
Fixed various issues with one of the open norad office building. Fixed pivot point of the building, some texture issues, some gaps inside the building and created LODs for this model. Also optimized original model. (Example:
Fixed various issues with one of the smaller open norad office buildings. (The one with the solar panels on top) Optimized original model and fixed some texture issues.
Fixed an issue with some flying wooden barricades at the gas station model. (Example:

For more information about LODs and optimizations please read our following dev blog:

Major improvements have been made to the vehicles system and the vehicles overall. Vehicles should overall work better and more smooth now and are way more stable than before. We are still aiming to make improvements and there will still be some stats for certain vehicles that can be updated and improved so make sure to let us know your feedback so that we can work on this!

Fixed a bug where the camera would get glitched as a car passenger.


We have finished the development and major testing of FAC 2.0. Most of you should expect a boost in FPS, stability and a decrease of the already super-low percentage of 'cheaters'. If you have any problems with this, please make a support ticket. We will be dedicating a lot of time to making sure this is not going to be a problem for everybody, but a improvement instead.

There has been other optimizations too, many of the engine's features have been moved to using multi-threading, giving computers with high amount of CPU cores a bigger boost.

Item Updates:


Added a new media riot shield: Riot Shield Nozze.
Added a new ammo box for the PKM. "PKM Ammo (200) Box". Also renamed the original ammo box to: "PKM Ammo (100) Box". This new ammo box is a variant and has 200 bullets instead. (Also reworked original ammo icon to match the new ammo.)
Added a new variant of the stanag mag. The: "Stanag E-Mag". This magazine is a stanag mag with 200 bullets. To make this ammo box not too overpowered it gives a weapon 20% more spread and recoil when using it. (double as much as for the Stanag C-Mag). We are not sure yet what the rarity of this new ammo will be etc. as it can't be too common to "break" the game so give us some time to decide this.

Items mentioned above might not be released instantly. If you want to stay update with releases please follow us on our social media channels where we announce the release of new items.


Increased the fire rate and damage of the FN Scar H based on community feedback.
Increased the fire rate and damage of the VSS Compact based on community feedback.
Increased the fire rate from 120 to 200 of the FN Fal.
Updated the fire mode of the FN Fal. This weapon can now also has a automatic and triple burst fire mode.

Anyone that likes to let us know feedback about weapons and items please do in a comment to this thread:

Fixed an issue with the Witch Hat where the texture wasn't working properly.
Fixed / improved the Lunaa hat. The character's head is no longer clipping through the back side of the model.
Fixed an issue related to the ACOG sight (attachment) where the actual sight was not properly centered. (example:
Fixed the angle of the Hunter Backpack store icon. Mirrored the icons horizontally so that it matches the angle of the other backpacks. Also updated skin icons.
Fixed an issue with the new "Police Dragster" vehicle where this spawner was spawning the wrong vehicle.
Fixed / Improved the QLB first person running animation. Now, the weapon does not take so much space on the screen anymore. (Example of the fix:
Fixed the sound cutoff of the TEC 9 shooting sound. For some reason there was too much "bass" with this pistol shooting.
Optimized the original FPS and TPS models of the Tactical Binoculars. This model was very unoptimized and potentially causing FPS drops and crashes. The model has been optimized from 24k to 3k.
Did major FPS / Performance improvement related to the SVU skins. Some of the skins were extremely unoptimized.
Fixed an issue with the M4A1 where the iron sight was flying. This sight is no longer flying.
Fixed the M4A1 TPS model. Now also has the clip / sight attached.
Fixed the VSS Compact icon and removed the silencer from the icon. The icon now matches the weapon in-game.
Removed the "silenced" barrel from the FN Scar H. Since this weapon wasn't silenced it didn't make sense to have this huge barrel attached. Also updated the store icon of the weapon to match it again.
Updated the icon of the Stanag C-Mag.
Updated the model and icon of the G36 C-Mag. We have reworked the model of the magazine so that it's not a blatant copy of the Stanag C-Mag. Now, it actually has it's own recognizable G36 bullet clip instead of the stanag one.

The AK-12 has finally been reworked. We have also renamed this weapon to AK-15 based on the ammo type it's using. Statistics are updated too and this weapon is able to use all attachments. It's also spawning everywhere again.
The M200 has been reworked. The main reason this weapon needed to be reworked was to optimize it. Also, we weren't happy with the look of the weapon. New model is 6x more optimized and looks better. In the meanwhile we have also reworked the firing sound and on top of that a new scope (M200 now uses it's own custom scope) has also been added with a custom sight.
Also, the skins for this weapon have been reworked and updated to the new model: M200 Chrome, M200 Christmas and M200 Destruction.
The AS VAL has been reworked. This weapon has been reworked mainly due to optimizations, also it now has a overall better looking model. Iron sight / sight animations have been improved and we have also updated the stats. In patch 2.18 this weapon was a little bit nerfed and based on you guy's reports we have updated / buffed the statistics of this weapon again.
The AMR2 has been reworked. Pretty much the only thing that is changed here is that the mesh is 20 times more optimized. Old model had around 80.000 faces and the new one only has 2-3.000! This is very good for FPS and performance improvements where this weapon was SUPER unoptimized. (Example of the improvements: Also skinned version meshes have been updated!
The STI Eagle has been reworked. This mostly because it's been using the "Jericho" model since for ever. It was relatively easy / short to replace this model so we were like; "Why not?". Also reworked / updated the icon.
The DMR Ammo has been reworked where we have changed the magazine to a new model to mainly match the FN FAL rework. It has also been optimized A LOT.
The FN FAL has been reworked. This weapon was the last weapon that needed a rework because of optimization reasons. Major improvements have been done and we have worked with an entire new model with new textures.

As you can see is that we have reworked and updated some statistics on some weapons. This is all done based on YOUR feedback so it is extremely important to us as much of you guys as possible give us as much feedback as possible. If you have complaints or ideas about a certain weapon could you please let us know in a reply to the following forum thread?

Optimized the TPS model of the M200 and it's skins.
Optimized the TPS and the FPS model of the Light Swords Twin and it's colored skins.
Optimized the TPS and the FPS model of the Light Swords Cross and it's colored skins.
Optimized the TPS model of the PKM and it's skins.
Optimized the TPS model of the M16 and it's skins.
Optimized the TPS model of the Thompson and it's skins.
Optimized the TPS model of the M107 and it's skins.
Optimized the TPS model of the Airdrop Caller GC and GD.
Optimized the TPS model of the SVD and it's skins.
Optimized the Hunter Backpack and it's skins.
Optimized the Heavy Armor Fallen Angel and it's skins.
Optimized the Climber Character and it's skins.
Optimized the Average Jane Character and it's skins.

You see above where we optimized a lot of weapons and other items. A lot of TPS (Third Person) items weren't optimized AT ALL. TPS models get used when an item is for example dropped on the ground. Basically, the more dropped on the ground in a server, the less FPS a player can have and when TPS models dropped are very unoptimized this becomes a huge FPS killer. Imagine going to the airport and loading all that unoptimized TPS loot.. The list you see above will not contain everything that was unoptimized in the game because this would simply be too much work to do at once, but the list is based on priority where the most unoptimized items are optimized first. We will keep working on this over time.

Skin Updates:


Added a new skin for the Community Box: Custom Guerilla Fallen Angel Purple.
Added a new skin for the Community Box (probably): Banana Chrome. (Melee)
Added a new skin for the Community Box (probably): Thompson Purple.

For all new skins added to the game it doesn't mean they will be instantly available. For updates regarding this please keep an eye on our social media where we announce the release of new skins.

Fixed an issue with the Moto Helmet Krissy skin where there was the wrong glow map texture used.
Fixed the legs of the Average Jane Alien skin.

Open World Updates:


Improved the Tactical Weapon Case loot. Removed the Stanag C-Mag / AK Drum from the box since it's only obtainable from Super Zombies / Alien Super Zombies. Only rare items are in the crate now.
Increased the revive sound volume in PVP Servers. (The sound we added in the hotfix when another player spawns in) Players could literally not hear this sound when being in PVP. We higher-ed it and will await and see how it is now.

Improved the minimap: reduced the blue colors of the waters. Made it less bright to make it look better.
Loot is fixed! Loot was completely broken and not how it was intended to be. If you've played Oregon in the past, please try again because the loot is completely changed.
Players are now able to rent this map as private server in Open World.
Fixed a player spawn at the Harbor where players were spawning inside / under the terrain.
Fixed some overall terrain issues and settings.
Fixed some overall flying objects generally around the entire map.
Fixed the "Fredaikis container" which is placed pretty much round the entire map. It didn't had correct physics.

Fixed an issue related to the render distance of the terrain and hills.
Fixed some flying placed down vehicles in Frosty Pines.
Fixed some flying trees around Devil's Pass.
Fixed some miss-placed signs around the airport.

Fixed some terrain issues around the football stadium.
Improved the overall shadow quality for players that are playing on ultra on this map.

Updated and fixed the player spawns.
Added Rockyford V1 (old Rockyford) which may be available later during weekend events for example.

Added collision walls around the oil containers to prevent players from glitching.
Added SpringValley V1 (old Springvalley) which may be available later during weekend events for example.

Fixed some rocks around the school building that didn't had physics.

Fixed some miss-placed objects in Clearview.

Removed the airport tower from this map since it was a way too overpowered spot for players and it was getting abused pretty much all the time.

Survival Updates:


The super zombies now have a chance of dropping a super zombie head. This item is very rare and until (for) now you can't do more with it than just collect them. The goal is to in the end create a special progress based melee that has these heads spiced up. Basically, a collectible item farmers can collect and upgrade with the crafting system where in the end it will be a super cool, rare and valuable melee with a lot of super zombie heads spiced up. Stay tuned for this!

Opened some of the fences at the prison.
Added some metal walls around the airport tower at the prison to make it less camper friendly.
Added some car spawns around the newly added area's.
Fixed some flying objects in and around the prison.

Oregon is now available as Official Server map in this game mode. Players are now also able to rent Oregon private servers in Survival. Oregon does have reworked loot so expect some change not just in the map but also the loot. Loot should overall be better, make more sense and at the same time still have the same values of the "Survival idea". Please give us as much feedback as you can about this as we don't expect everything to be perfect at first try.
Oregon now has alien super zombies. This means that for the first time in Survival we are releasing alien super zombies. The spawn parameters are the same as in Open World, aka it only spawns in the night. This alien super zombie drops overall better loot than the normal super zombie and it has a higher chance of dropping a sniper.
Fixed a player spawn at the Harbor where players were spawning inside / under the terrain.
Fixed some overall terrain issues and settings.
Fixed some overall flying objects generally around the entire map.
Fixed the "Fredaikis container" which is placed pretty much round the entire map. It didn't had correct physics.

NOTE: Changes are planned to happen to old Colorado Survival as well as this map will still be available. This means we do plan on adding alien super zombies / loot improvements in this map very soon as well.

NOTE 2: Depending on how the newer / reworked weapons are received by the community we might consider releasing them at a later moment in the Survival game mode as well.

NOTE 3: For all those Survival players out there: Please keep up the amazing feedback. We plan on using and processing as much as possible to improve the Survival game mode as much / good as possible!

Battle Royale Updates:


Fixed a player spawn at the Harbor where players were spawning inside / under the terrain.

Estimated patch size: 250 MB

Patch ETA: Tomorrow (July 13th) - 10:00 CEST

Estimated downtime: 1 hour

Geschrieben von KiLL3r

Samstag 07. 07. 2018 - New Member Eraze
Lieber Lars,
der Clan wünscht dir einen tollen Geburtstag. Party hard und mach dir ne Schnitte Zwinker

Geschrieben von KiLL3r

Freitag 15. 06. 2018 - New Member ebo.

Geschrieben von KiLL3r

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9. cedric Posts:   1
KiLL3r's xhair v3
Downloads: 48 Ansichten: 531
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KiLL3r's xhair
Downloads: 36 Ansichten: 723
Downloads: 22 Ansichten: 692
KiLL3r's xhair v3
Downloads: 48 Ansichten: 531
KiLL3r's xhair
Downloads: 36 Ansichten: 723
Downloads: 22 Ansichten: 692
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Downloads: 11 Ansichten: 542
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